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It's impossible to sum up this monster project in a couple paragraphs, but we'll give it a shot. The nutshell version: The project includes 10 short animated films featuring the appealingly disturbed Space Monkey character of Dalek's creation, plus a 48 page book. Accompanying these shorts is all new original music from HAZE XXL. Let us explain further......
Dalek, aka James Marshall, is one of the most exciting artists from the burgeoning Brooklyn art scene. Graduating with a BFA from the Art Institute of Chicago, he furthered honed his skills assisting Takashi Murakami. For those not familiar with Dalek, his three books of collected work shows a precision influenced by the computer graphic explosion, yet by performing these feats by hand.
HAZE XXL, aka Tom Hazelmyer, comes from the background of late 70's/early 80's Minneapolis Punk/Hardcore scene. He spun his garage-band roots into Halo of Flies, founded the indie label Amphetamine Reptile Records and has been running the OX-OP gallery since 2003.
To insure that the music for "A Purge of Dissidents" (APOD) was anything but the usual sterile avant garde soundtracks that typically accompany most films offered in the fine art world, Hazelmyer enlisted a cadre of underground movers and shakers that included such folks as The Melvins, Grant Hart (Husker Du), and Kenny Greenbaum (of Detroit's infamous Princess Dragon Mouth/Mog Stunt Team 555) to create some twisted aural backdrops that are as disturbed as Dalek's infamous Space Monkey itself. He then took some of the 30 finished instrumentals, and had various friends put their own spin on them by including vocals by Craig Finn (Hold Steady), David Yow (Jesus Lizard/Scratch Acid), Jon Spencer (Blues Explosion), and Grant Hart (Husker Du). The APOD soundtrack includes a track from each of these sessions, but they are also being released as a series of 7" singles in conjunction with the entire project.