Guzzard - Quick, Fast, In A Hurry

Sold out.

Guzzard - Quick, Fast, In A Hurry
amrep 037 • LP / CD / CS

  1. That One
  2. Supersonic Enemy Of Evil
  3. Street Rat
  4. Sebastian's Revenge
  5. My House
  6. Steeples
  7. Level 4
  8. Sixed
  9. Hiro
  10. Death Race 2000

PLEASE NOTE: We are nearing the end of our stock in LP format for this album. We'll do our best to get you the nicest copy available but be advised, we CANNOT guaranty that the cover will be pristine. After 20 years of sitting on a shelf, some seam wear has occurred on some of the copies. 

Update: All the remaining copies have some wear issues on the spine.

    Tagged   AmRep in the 90's   CD   Guzzard   LP


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