Melvins: Honky Reissue- FACTORY EDITION: WHITE

Sold out.

That's right, we've got the Factory Edition LP of (the) Melvins reissue of Honky.

Originally released in 1997, this record combined the traditional Melvins sound, but took things even further into the experimental realm with drones & soundscapes.

Taking a cue from the original release, the HAZE XXL-designed sleeves captures the black-on-black tone with new artwork. Just so there's no confusion the sleeve is commercially printed at the pressing plant & is NOT silkscreened.

We've added a letter to the catalog number to differentiate it from the original release & is AmRep 064b. This is mastered from the CD version, but does not contain the 25 minutes of silence after the end of Freaktose.

All the Factory Editions are limited to 250 copies each colorway. This sale is for the white variant where the vinyl is, you guessed it, solid white.

    And the tracks on the album are...

    Side A

    They All Must Be Slaughtered
    Mombius Hibachi
    Lovely Butterfly
    Pitfalls In Serving Warrants
    Laughing With Lucifer At Satan's Sideshow
    How --++--

    Side B

    Air Breather Deep In the Arms of Morphius
    Harry Lauders Walking Stick Tree
    In the Freaktose the Bugs Are Dying


    We say this nearly every time & maybe one day it'll work, but PLEASE place everything you want into 1 ORDER.

    If there are multiple orders placed from the same customers we will either combine them with no refund on postage, or they will be sent out exactly as placed.

    C'mon, it's hard enough processing a couple hundred orders quickly without this AND responding to all the emails requesting combined shipping and refunds. This delays EVERY order.


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